Saving tips!
*WARNING! Really long post but hopefully beneficial to those who wants to travel.
i love traveling and i think that's sort of obvious now. i siap buat tab kat tepi blog for all my travel rendezvous. ngah ngah ngah!!
the thing that i love about traveling is that i get to see different cultures, that feeling of amazement when i see how they are different from us, that awe when i see how Allah's creations, how different their sunrises and sunsets, how their timing are different, oh! the differences are what i love seeing and experiencing. =D
so in order to travel, i have to save up, see.
all of my eurotrips are all sponsored by myself. my parents only chip in by giving their euros/pounds/dollars yang extra from their old trips.
here are my saving tips! Bismillah..
1. open up an extra account! *editted*
i started saving since i was a little girl, approximately 10 years old when i really really started saving. my parents had an account open for me, and every year, duit raya yang dapat i akan put half of my collection in my ASB. for halal savings, you can keep your money is Public Mutual, Tabung haji, CIMB Islamic, etc etc. let your money stay there, jangan gatal nak kuarkan until and unless you really need it.
2. discipline!
when i studied in matrix and utp, alhamdulillah my parents didn't have to fork out much money. in matrix we were given a sum of money for every semester, and when in utp, i was a scholar so i received monthly allowance from petronas. thank you petronas and government =') the amount of money takdelah banyak. it's just enough for paying my bills, petrol, food and stuff and alhamdulillah, i manage to save up.
i break down my allowance/gaji into 3 parts: Responsibilities, Savings, Miscellaneous.
Responsibilities are my bills, rent, car maintenance, petrol, food, zakat, etc. these are where my money will go as soon as i receive my gaji/allowance.
Savings are savings for travel and future family. it's best if you have a different account to transfer into when you receive your gaji or allowance. i have more than 1 bank account, fyi. ngah ngah!
Miscellaneous are entertainments, shoppings, unnecessary stuff that we just want and don't need. hehe!
now gaji/allowance being 100%, take 50% out for Responsibilities, take 30% out for Savings and the rest 20% forMiscellaneous. this is my percentage. you can change the percentage up to your affordibility =)
your Savings share must be the first to go. transfer it into a different account. ups to you. but this must be kept hidden from your gatal-spending-mood-swings. if you're putting it into a different account, don't make a debit card for it. just atm would be fine.
if your 50% share of responsibilities exceeded it's budget, padan muka. sape suruh tak jaga budget? ahahaha! kidding la. we all have that time kan. when that happens, take the extra money from the Miscellaneous share. whatever it is, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR SAVINGS!
if you spend less than 50% of your Responsibilities share, then good for you!! you can use that up to reward yourself for your tiring month, or take your family out for a treat or put it into savings, it's up to you. it's best though that you just don't spend it too much so that you have more stock for the next month.
and all this requires DISCIPLINE! you can do it bebehs!
3. plan your trip early!
if you're aiming to go travel overseas, plan where you want to go. once you know where, check out their currency and try google for some travel stories online. i do this everytime coz i wanna know what it's like there. mahal ke tak, hotel senang cari ke tak, what kind of transport is cheapest and most convenient, food camane etc etc. every country is different, so google it out. jangan malas please.
my eurotrip costs almost RM10k (take note that i went to 3 cities in different countries). i saved every month and i did extra jobs such as tutoring, promoting via blog, and modelling. malu ok nak mengaku but yeah. sorry la kalau aku macam bajet la kan. aku buat sume tu sebab nak travel beb. hahhaha!
and this RM10k covers my flight tickets, hotels, transportation, domestic flights, tours, food, and shopping. itu pun ada extra about almost RM3k, which is an achievement for me okayh! i bought loads of stuff but still manage to have extras. and it's all because i planned early.
maybe to some "wah?!? bapak ah kau spend RM10k utk jalan jalan?! baik guna duit tu untuk feed orang orang miskin!"
Surah Al-Hujurat, Ayat 13:
O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.
it was after my first eurotrip with my best friends that i finally had pushed myself out of my comfort zone, and just don on the hijab. hehehee =)
the thoughts i have after seeing Allah's beauty.. ah itu different story la. hehe!
anyway, planning your trip early means you have to book your hotels early and try to ask for student price or seasonal discounts. some places, it's cheaper to take their domestic flights to cross countries, but some, it's cheaper to go by train. again, google about it. this part here, you need a credit card. heee..
it will be a great advantage if you have friends or relatives wherever you're heading. saves a lot of cost. so get in touch with your friends and family!!
*also, bring some instant food too like maggi, kurma, sambal, serunding, etc etc so that you can save money from food expenses. =)
*also, bring some instant food too like maggi, kurma, sambal, serunding, etc etc so that you can save money from food expenses. =)
4. get a good company!
choose your travel buddy wisely. you want to have a good time experiencing stuff, so better have your friends or family who has the same objectives as you do =)
5. jangan malas!!
this is your trip, so save up, discipline yourself, do your research, be careful and have fun!
so this is as brief as i can get, and i hope i didn't bore anyone to sleep.
if i did, GOMENASAI!
watashiwa only human des trying to help des!
good lucku dessuu!
happy saving!
7 awesome study tips for finals
With finals week approaching stress levels around campus are high. We at 300 The Fenway wanted to provide some relief, so we asked the Center for Academic Achievement for some help. Study Skills Specialist Tina Brin offered up some of her most helpful study tips. Here are 6 tips Tina gives students to get them through exam period:
- 1. Take the time to "Time Manage."
- Don't just dive into studying; organize what you want to study and when. Make a list or draw a chart: whatever works best for you. This will help stabilize your study routine and will slowly ease you into the material.
- 2. Set realistic studying goals.
- Don't overwhelm yourself. Give yourself enough time to prepare for the exam material rather than cramming the night before. Make sure to space out your studying and know your limits.
- 3. Take lots of breaks.
- Try not to study for more than one hour at a time. Taking breaks is just as important as the studying. For best results take five to fifteen minute breaks between study sessions.
- 4. Reserve library rooms ahead of time
- Make a week plan for when and where you'll be studying. Stability is key. Visit the Simmons portal to reserve a room at the library.
- 5. Don't bring food with you.
- Try not to bring food with you when you study, as it may be a distraction. Have a cold drink - like iced coffee, juice, soda, or just ice water with you to stay well-hydrated and help you focus when you feel you are drifting off!
- 6. Reward yourself
- Once you feel you have mastered a chapter, a subject, etc. reward yourself! Go out for lunch, watch a movie, meet up with a friend. Take some time away from the material, so that your mind is clear by the time you return.
- 7. Ask for help!
- If you're not getting the material, don't be afraid to ask for help. Get a friend in the class to go over it with you, go to your professor's office hours, or visit the Center for Academic Achievement for more tips.
Apa pilihan anda.
Kurus atau gemuk? Pada saya, nak kuruskan badan ni, takde la susah mana. Kalau boleh buat 2 perkara ini, insyaAllah boleh kurangkan berat badan dengan cepat.
1. Kurangkan makan nasi & makanan berlemak. Cuba amalkan makan roti yang ada bijirin bagi menggantikan nasi.
2. Buat exercise keluarkan peluh sekurang2nya 30 minit setiap hari. Paling baik ialah ‘jogging’ atau berenang.
Tapi apabila saya beritahu tips ini, semua mengamuk. Mereka kata, kalau tips tu, kalau tak tanya saya pun diorang dah memang sedia maklum.
Saya jawab balik.
1. Kurangkan makan nasi & makanan berlemak. Cuba amalkan makan roti yang ada bijirin bagi menggantikan nasi.
2. Buat exercise keluarkan peluh sekurang2nya 30 minit setiap hari. Paling baik ialah ‘jogging’ atau berenang.
Tapi apabila saya beritahu tips ini, semua mengamuk. Mereka kata, kalau tips tu, kalau tak tanya saya pun diorang dah memang sedia maklum.
Saya jawab balik.
Memang itulah tips asas yang perlu korang amalkan.
Kalau itu korang takleh nak buat, macammana nak kurus. Cakap banyak tak guna.
Ada banyak ilmu dan tahu banyak tips pun tak guna kalau kita tak amal.
Korang cari la banyak mana tips sekalipun, tapi kalau korang tak praktikkan atau amalkan apa yang disarankan, jangan harap dapat hasil.
betul tak?betul tak? hehehe :D
Saya sarankan untuk amalkan tips diet kuruskan badan seperti dibawah ini :
* Amalkan Makan Malam Sebelum Jam 7 Malam.
Elakkan Mengambil Makanan Yang Berat Kerana Kadar Metabolisme Yang Rendah Pada Waktu Malam Akan Menyebabkan Makanan Disimpan Sebagai Lemak.
* Jangan Mudah Terpedaya Iklan-iklan Merampingkan Badan Atau Produk-produk Pil Kurus. Kebanyakkannya Indah Khabar Dari Rupa. Duit Habis, Badan Tetap Juga Naik.
* Dapatkan Nasihat Doktor Sebelum Membuat Keputusan Membeli Produk Diet Yang Banyak Terdapat Di Pasaran Dan Farmasi. Pandangan Doktor Adalah Lebih Selamat.
* Turun 1 Kg Sebulan Secara Tetap Adalah Lebih Baik Daripada Turun Berat Badan Secara Drastik Dan Mendadak. Ini Boleh Mengganggu Kesihatan Dan Kemungkinan Berat Badan Anda Akan Naik Secara Mendadak Pula.
* Jangan Mudah Terpedaya Iklan-iklan Merampingkan Badan Atau Produk-produk Pil Kurus. Kebanyakkannya Indah Khabar Dari Rupa. Duit Habis, Badan Tetap Juga Naik.
* Dapatkan Nasihat Doktor Sebelum Membuat Keputusan Membeli Produk Diet Yang Banyak Terdapat Di Pasaran Dan Farmasi. Pandangan Doktor Adalah Lebih Selamat.
* Turun 1 Kg Sebulan Secara Tetap Adalah Lebih Baik Daripada Turun Berat Badan Secara Drastik Dan Mendadak. Ini Boleh Mengganggu Kesihatan Dan Kemungkinan Berat Badan Anda Akan Naik Secara Mendadak Pula.
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