"if i can stomach 1.5hours watching stupid chickflicks, hantu bonceng yang entahpape tu, or matsalleh movies yang banyak maksiat tu kat movies yang takde benefits at all, why can't i spend that time watching this video?" - i questioned myself. imagine if it was me there, and if my child was killed. nauzubillah.. i admire the kids in this video too. no grudges, no hatred.. want to be a doctor to treat the injured.. *nangis* Ya Allah.. protect them..
so i urge you (yang reading this, thank you btw) to just watch and question yourself; what have you done to help?
this is not just a religious war, this is a fight for human rights!
no one deserves to be kicked out from their houses! no children deserves to be killed the way these children were! no one has the right to use deadly weapons on people who can't protect themselves against it!
the israelis have crossed the line.
we have to get ourselves educated and do something about this. stand up for what's right!
to contribute doesn't mean giving money, but if you can, be a volunteer, help spread the word, up to you. selagi mampu, jom tolong =)
get to know these organizations that have been dedicated for this cause:
they have facebook pages too. Aqsa Syarif offices are all over Malaysia, fyi.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!!
ps: please let me know if you have anymore information sebab obviously, i noob. =) thank you!
pps: "so you say you care. tell me how much you know about the sufferings of the palestinians." - insert meme. this was what i thought about myself when i was at the talk. yes, being sarcastic to myself seems to give me more drive to get my arse moving
pps: "so you say you care. tell me how much you know about the sufferings of the palestinians." - insert meme. this was what i thought about myself when i was at the talk. yes, being sarcastic to myself seems to give me more drive to get my arse moving
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